For the Daryl fans out there, here's an interesting video of making a sling shot-bow hybrid to shoot arrows for zombie hunting. Sure Daryl uses a crossbow, but it seems bulky to carry around and takes time to reload for shots. Meanwhile, this sling shot-bow looks compact enough that it can be carried without burdening yourself. And its much easier to reload once fired. Though I don't think it's faster to reload than a conventional bow. Still, using arrows to kill zombies is much quieter than firing guns. And we know that loud noise attracts zombies. That's a no no.
Daryl Dixon carries his crossbow slung on his back. It's a typical crossbow complete with a cocking stirrup at the front of the weapon. Below is an illustration of how crossbows are loaded with bolts and arrows. A foot is inserted in the cocking stirrup while the string is pulled up for a shot.
IMO, this is a lot of work in between shots especially if you're facing a horde of zombies. A bow, not necessarily the above sling shot-bow hybrid, may still be the best quiet weapon for shooting zombies.
I love cosplayers, especially those who can do it right. The cosplayer below did it right a few different times by looking like a very hot zombie. Don't forget that Maria Ozawa also cosplayed a zombie.
How much do you know about zombies? Are you prepared for an attack? Can you defend your loved ones from the undead?
Take a quiz and see. Below is my score. Click on it to take your own quiz.
Zombie Class Quiz
Your Result: Zombie Killer 1st Class
You are the badass of all badasses. Everyone should be like you if we want a chance of survival. Many people will follow you into the remote location that you have made prior to the zombie war. And you are smart enough to have sniffer dogs at your front gates. You have no mercy for the un-dead and will shoot any infected person that tried to make it into your compound. Your face will be on the 20 dollar bill for the world to see. Your chances of survival are amazing, 10:1.
Patrons and employees of a strip club face off against zombies.
Dead Season
2 stars
Survivors flee to a remote island to survive a zombie outbreak.
Night of the Living Dead: Reanimation
Not related to George Romero. Corpses in a funeral home rise from the dead after being exposed to toxic waste.
Doomsday Book
A compilation of three short stories on the end of civilization, one of which is a zombie outbreak in Seoul, Korea.
Abraham Lincoln vs Zombies
Title says it all.
A Little Bit Zombie
Zombie comedy at a bachelor party.
Bloodlust Zombies
2 stars
Weapons lab employees try to survive a zombie outbreak from an accident in one of their labs. Stars porn hottie, Alexis Texas. I don't recall if her character survived in this movie.
Zombie Apocalypse: Redemption
Small group of survivors attempt an all-or-nothing rescue mission during a zombie outbreak.
Total Retribution
Zombies in outer space? Not sure if zombies, but definitely undeads vs survivors.
Survivors hole up in a vacant casino to fight off zombies.
Exit Humanity
Zombies in a western setting.
Bong of the Dead
Stoners try to make money from zombie brains after the undeads took over the world.
The Walking Dead
4 stars
Seasons 1 & 2
The Truth Behind Zombies
4 stars
Documentary on zombies.
Rammbock Berlin Undead
3 stars
Zombie outbreak in Berlin, Germany.
The Dead Undead
Vampires vs zombies
Highschool of the Dead
Anime series on high school students struggling against zombies.
Japanese movie with a teenage girl trying to kill her psychopathic cannibal mother and uncle.
Devil's Playground
When an experimental drug turns 30,000 test subjects into zombies, ex-mercenary Cole seeks the one unaffected woman, hoping she's the key to a cure.
The Horde
3 stars
Cops and gangsters vs zombies.
Zombies of Mass Destruction
Survivors repel hordes of zombies to save their town.
A wife stands by his man looking for a cure after he was infected by a zombie virus.
Day of the Dead
2 stars
A remake of Romero's 1985 film of the same name. I remember this for a vegetarian zombie.
The Zombie Apocalypse
College students vs zombies.
A mad scientist turns students into zombies.
Bitten by a zombie, Colin slowly adjusts to his new existence as part of the living dead, mingling and hunting with fellow flesh-eaters in London.
Zombie Town
Residents of a small town turn to zombies.
Brain Dead
Outerspace parasites turn fishing town residents into zombies.
American Zombie
Mockumentary on a zombie community in Los Angeles.
Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead
Zombie chickens for a goofy comedy.
Gangs of the Dead
LA gangbangers vs zombies.
Land of the Dead
3 stars
Number 4 in the series of zombie movies by George Romero.
Severed: Forest of the Dead
Environmental activists become zombies as a result of a botch experiment to genetically engineer trees.
Xombie: Dead on Arrival
Animated story of a zombie with consciousness helping a girl and her family after a plague destroys nearly all life on Earth.
Zombie High
Zombies in a boarding school starring classic cinema babes Virginia Madsen and Sherilyn Fenn.
Compilation of clips from campy low-budget zombie classics.
Oasis of the Zombies
Zombies and buried Nazi treasure in the desert during WWII.
The Evil Dead
4 stars
First movie of Ash and the Evil Dead series directed by Sam Raimi.
Zombie Lake
Nazi soldiers return as zombies after drowning in a mysterious lake.
Valley of the Zombies
A mental patient rises from the dead with a hunger for blood.
King of Zombies
On a Caribbean island, an Austrian scientis control zombies.
White Zombie
Classic zombie movie starring Bela Lugosi.
If I missed anything, write it down in the comments.
There seems to be many people, at least in America, who are preparing for a zombie apocalypse. Specifically, there are enough incidence of gun sales noticeably attributed to zombies. Can you blame them?
Read the news excerpt below:
Pittsburgh can be said to be the birth place of the zombie phenomenon thanks to George Romero’s “Night of the living Dead,” which came out in 1968.
Since that film, there have been countless movies, books, comics, and TV shows surrounding the undead, and their popularity has increased exponentially in the last few years. As zombie presence rises in pop culture, real life gun sales are rising as well, and research shows the two are related.
I was surfing through YouTube a few days ago when I ran into videos of jumping stilts from Powerisers and Air Trekkers. Immediately, it hit me that these would be so useful and cool in a zombie attack. These jumping stilts, when used right, could add a new dimension in manueverability when trying to outrun a horde of undeads.
Image source: DC Power Stilts via Flickr
See this short 3 min video and you'll understand. I believe that the main guy is using Powerisers stilts:
Jumping over stairs, fences, and other typical city obstacles would be impossible or energy draining for many of us, including well-conditioned athletes. But the guy from the video seems to do it effortlessly.
Image source: Weirder the Better via Flickr
And it's not just for navigating city terrain. The video below is a man running around with an Air Trekker or Powerisers jumping stilts in a landscape suitable for off-roading, i.e. motorbikes, buggies, 4WDs, and such.
I can't pin down the fastest speed a human can achieve while wearing a pair of jumping stilts. The claims I've seen are around 17 mph (27 kph). Usain Bolt can reach a top speed of 27.79 mph.
Not a lot of video clips are out there on practical use of jumping stilts, at least not yet. But here's a funny one on how to use jumping stilts to rob a bank. Of course, I don't condone robbing a bank or committing any criminal acts with these, but what's interesting from the video is the concept of how one could outrun and outmanuever live human chasers. Slow zombies should be much easier to get away from.
Obviously there's a learning curve as shown by the following video.
There are also weight limits. For example, the Air-Trekker Jumping Stilts CZ90 Adult Edition is rated for 197-218 lbs (89-99 kg). And the Poweriser Jumping Stilt Advanced is rated for 198-266 lbs (90-120 kg).
Hence, from Season 2 of The Walking Dead, Shane should be able to use a pair of these, while Otis would have been shit out of luck.
Image source: ap. via Flickr
I would like to see Glenn running around Atlanta with a pair of jumping stilts and getting away from zombies to safety. He's the right character for something like these.
Time to get in shape before it's too late. Good cardio conditioning comes in very handy during a zombie apocalypse. Remember that good cardio training does not necessarily mean that you have to be the fastest runner to get away from the horde of zombies.
You only need to be faster than the slowest guy from your bunch.
So get to it. The Zombies, Run! app ought to help with your training.
See below for an except of the article and the link:
Welcome to the new world of running apps. While smartphone-toting runners have long used apps like Nike+ and RunKeeper, which track your runs using GPS and offer training plans, three different apps have recently helped me get out of a running rut.
The first app is a new one called Cruise Control, which adjusts the tempo of the songs in your iTunes library to help you speed up the pace. The second app I’ve been using is called Zombies, Run! It intermittently puts the sounds of snarling zombies into your ear to make you run faster. And lastly, there’s WalkJogRun, which helps you find creative running routes in your local neighborhood, shared by other users.
This is one of those questions that rarely comes to mind in cases of disasters much less a zombie apocalypse. Perhaps it's because we don't normally think about scavenging (or looting) in our day-to-day lives. In an emergency, we are taught to stay put and let the authorities such as police and firemen do their jobs. But in a zombie apocalypse, the structure for such authorities may not exist and could be one of the first to fall.
So let's think out of the box and prioritize our actions as if the government and authorities (FEMA, police, National Guards, military, firemen) would not be around to save us.
In this post, let's think about medicine that we could use when trying to survive a zombie apocalypse. Sure we all have first aid kits at home. But those can only go so far. Just like Rick, Glen, and company from The Walking Dead, you'll have to scavenge for medicine at an abandoned pharmacy.
1. Iodine. This is a multi-purpose medicine that can be used as antispetic and topical treat of open wounds. Additionally, it could treat water for drinking in absence of your ability to boil (Source). In this sense, iodine is just like bleach.
2. Pain medication. Things like ibuprofen and such. Expect to get hurt from exertion since you're pushing yourself to stay alive. Muscle strains, headaches, back aches, menstrual cramps and other maladies are not going away. Also, you're chances of catching a fever or cold will increase and we've all used Tylenol and Anacin to remedy that. Stronger pain meds such as oxycodone and morphin are out there too and could be very useful. In a zombie apocalypse, no one is guarding them behind the counter, so stock up, but use carefully. Better yet, find ways to train on how to use them properly.
3. Multi-vitamins. Chances are, you're body will not be eating healthy in a disaster like a zombie plague, so you'll have to find a way to stay healthy. In my day-to-day life and since I'm getting older, I use multi-vitamins for nutritional supplement. The same thing is necessary to survive in a zombie apocalypse.
4. Pregnancy test kit, abortion pills, plan B pills, prenatal vitamins. I saw this in The Walking Dead and it makes sense to keep it in mind. Men and women will hump each other given a chance. Might as well face that fact and be ready.
5. Soap. In a zombie apocalypse, infection from the zombie virus is not the only danger. Dirty wounds, general unsanitary conditions, and dirty hands while eating can cause bacterial infection which could lead to serious sickness or even death.
6. Gauze, tape, and bandaid. Can't be too safe. These are handy when someone needs patching up.
Those are just the basic ones. I'm sure loading up on non-perishable food and water is a good idea.
It's official (or near official). Zombies aren't welcome in Canada. Zero-tolerance is their policy.
In a bizarre exchange in a place known for bizarre exchanges, Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird told the House of Commons Wednesday that “Canada will never be a safe haven for zombies.”
“I want to assure this member and all Canadians that I am dead-icated to ensuring that this never happens,” Baird said.
Baird was responding to a question from NDP MP Pat Martin (who else, really?) who asked if Canada is working with the U.S. to ensure that its citizens don’t suffer from a case of the zombie apocalypse.
Zombies do not always have to be dark and apocalyptic, though they're fun that way. In this post are a handful of crafting project of zombies in various styles and design. Some look simple, yet they're very creative. Plenty of talented artists out there. As the title says, my source is Flickr.
1) Handmade Zombie Doll
Credit: dogtownkids via Flickr
2) Ceramic Zombie Mask
Credit: Le Silly via Flickr
3) Amigurumi Zombies
Credit: * Jenni * via Flickr
Amigurumi is Japanese for crocheted/knitted stuffed toys.
There is strength in numbers. That's a good motto. And in a zombie apocalypse, your chance of survival increases with a group in so many ways. You'll have more ideas, more resources, better ability to fend off multiple attacking zombies, and sad as it may be, there's always that guy who'll sacrifice himself so that others may get away.
But far more important than just being in a group is the composition of the group itself. You'd want to be in a group of like-minded individuals who are better prepared for disasters such as a zombie outbreak. In the state of Kansas, there is such a group and they're called the Kansas Anti Zombie Militia. Their website gives tips on how to properly fight-off zombies in hand-to-hand combat, emphasizes the importance of team work, and advices on the use of firearms against zombies.
Preparedness for a zombie outbreak is an interesting topic. Even the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia, a government facility, weighed in on prepping for a zombie apocalypse which they later claimed as a playful encouragement for disaster prep in general.
Image source: Dy186 via Flickr CC
Point is taken. We, the public, should be ready for any disaster, natural or man-made, that could include zombie infestation.
But here's my situation: I've lived in big cities, have no military training, and very little camping experience. Thus, prepping to survive in a zombie apocalypse for me requires plenty of research and determining what makes sense. Thank God for YouTube, Google, and sh!t ton of Internet forums discussing disaster survival many of which are specific to zombie apocalypse. Good stuff to explore.
What I'm learning so far are basic and fairly common sense things: you're gonna need food and water; expect to treat minor wounds; must be able to defend yourself, but better if you can avoid having to defend; travel light and be ready to sleep outdoors and scavenging will be a way of life. It's almost like Columbus' rules in Zombieland, though I don't have that much paranoia.
Having said that, I feel that many people are living in cities and spend a lot of time in their cars. Thus, it seems that putting your basic survival kit in your car ready at all times is a prudent idea.
But what should be in a zombie apocalypse survival kit?
A good place to begin is the CDC itself where they listed the following:
Water (1 gallon per person per day)
Food (stock up on non-perishable items that you eat regularly)
Medications (this includes prescription and non-prescription meds)
Sanitation and Hygiene (household bleach, soap, towels, etc.)
Clothing and Bedding (a change of clothes for each family member and blankets)
Important documents (copies of your driver’s license, passport, and birth certificate to name a few)
First Aid supplies (although you’re a goner if a zombie bites you, you can use these supplies to treat basic cuts and lacerations that you might get during a tornado or hurricane)
Also, if you already own a hybrid vehicle, make sure you have a power inverter. From a previous article, we discussed using hybrid cars as emergency power generator. In a zombie apocalypse, I definitely see a use for it. And it's not unimaginable to have to use transportation during a zombie plague. There will be situations where a car might be the most important thing you'll have such as when trying to get away from a horde.
Can't wait to see Rick, Daryl, Glen, and the gang.
Last I recall, Merle and Daryl have been reunited but were captured by the Governor. Rick and Michonne, who had just rescued Glen and Maggie, were poised to go back to save Daryl. The success of the rescue could hinge on Andrea as the x-factor since no one is sure which side she will choose, Rick's or the Governor's.
And Carl helped a group of survivors led by Tyreese to safety.
I haven't read the graphic novels, so I have no sense what's going to happen.
The next upcoming "big" zombie movie is World War Z starring Brad Pitt and based on Max Brook's novel of the same name. I haven't read the book, but the movie has a blockbuster vibe. Because of the soldiers and fast zombies, World War Z looks like it's going to be 28 Days Later on steroids.
According to IMDB, World War Z is set for release in the U.S.A. on June 21, 2013.
One of the biggest news in 2012 was Hurricane Sandy and its devastating effect on the East Coast. Plenty of personal struggles resulted from the natural disaster, including thousands of homes owners who were left without electricity. One story that stood out to me, however, was how some of the victims used their hybrid car to power their homes while waiting for the utility company to restore electricity. Many did this by rigging their Toyota Prius with power inverters. See the video below.
It seems to me that in a zombie apocalypse, some folks out there will be in need of electricity for whatever reason. Whether it be water heating, cooking, or heat, electric power will be useful. And since hybrid car technology is ubiquitous, it doesn't hurt to keep it in mind as a resource.
See the video below from MrEnergyCzar of Youtube. He's demonstrating how to generate back-up power using a Chevy Volt with a power inverter that plugs directly to the car's cigarette lighter.
This one is a really interesting find. Goes to show you that not all zombie stuff are serious.
Maria Ozawa, the insanely beautiful and popular Japanese AV idol, poses as a zombie in a photo shoot. Of course, in a sliding scale between a grotesque fiend and a hot chic, her pics are closer to the hot chic end of things.
Ever notice that in many zombie movies, the characters do not seem to know much about dealing with flesh-eating undead until it's too late? Well, let's not do that here. I'd like to think that we know better. There are enough generally-known facts that we can work with to ensure our immediate survival during an initial encounter with walking dead.
(1) Headshots or Head Trauma
Does it bug you that well-trained shooters such as soldiers or police shoot zombies on the torso despite the zombie's continued forward approach? Shooting a zombie in the head or delivering a crushing blow to the head will stop the zombie cold. Destroy the brain and you'll eliminate the only organ that drives the zombie's base nature to eat. The zombie becomes a lifeless pile of flesh once the brain is gone. Source: Popular Mechanics
But this point begs the question: how can a person with no shooting experience perform in a situation that calls for headshots? See this video from Immersion on YouTube and get an insight on the topic.
(2) Don't Get Bitten
Zombies must eat. It is in their nature. And they feed on living flesh, ignoring the abundance of dead meat caused by their wake. That's why you do not see zombies tearing each other apart for food, lust, or other reasons.
But you, they will eat. The first chance they get, they will bite your arms, neck, legs, or any other parts of you. Zombies with functioning hands will grab on to you to prevent your escape. When trapped by a horde, you will surely be overwhelmed, dragged down, and have your flesh torn away.
Image credit: Tanya Plonka (Lethbridge Photographer) via Flickr
Macabre as it may seem, getting devoured by a horde of living dead may not be the worse thing that could happen to you in a zombie apocalypse. Being bitten by one and getting away is worse, not just for you, but for your companions as well. The bite of a zombie transfers an infectious virus to the victim. This means if you're bit then sometime later, you will become a zombie and turn on your friends and family. So take extra precautions when in a hand-to-hand fight against the living dead. Zombie bites are not like dog bites that can be cured by a tetanus shot (see the next point below). Source:
(3) Can't Save An Infected
This third point is a correlation to number 2, but so important that it requires its own point.
You can't stop someone who has been bitten by a zombie from becoming a zombie herself. The bite carries a deadly infection, the same virus that's causing the outbreak and chaos all around you. Other than immediate amputation of a bitten arm or leg and the hope that the virus has not yet spread throughout the victim's body, there is no known cure for a zombie bite. Source: Surviving Modern Life
Thus, if you and your 10 year old daughter are surprised by a zombie and she gets bit, yet both of you escape, your daughter will eventually become a zombie and attack you.
At first, she'll be sick and weaken to a point where she can't stand on her own two feet. At this time, her body's natural defenses are putting up a losing fight against the zombie virus. Eventually, her body will give in, she will die, turn into a livng dead, and attack you or any companions nearby. Though she may still look like your daughter, she's no longer your child.
Zombie child from Night of the Living Dead
This means that if someone is bitten, it is best to either kill her immediately with a headshot (see point 1) or keep her separated from the rest of the group until she turns and then kill her. After all, our parental instinct is to sit beside our sick child while caring for her. But sitting "beside our sick child" is well within grabbing and biting distance of a newly-turned but no-less infectious zombie. In other words, don't come too close to someone who's been infected.
It's 2013. By now, we're all familiar in some form or another with zombies, flesh eating undead people who could have been your neighbor, sibling, parents, wife, husband, or child. Now, they're nothing but mindless and perversely soulless creatures with one and only one purpose, to feed on the living.
Image source: Dan_7d via Flickr