Feb 17, 2013

What to scavenge in a pharmacy to survive a zombie plague?

pharmacy zombie apocalypse
Image source: The Local East Village via Flickr

This is one of those questions that rarely comes to mind in cases of disasters much less a zombie apocalypse. Perhaps it's because we don't normally think about scavenging (or looting) in our day-to-day lives. In an emergency, we are taught to stay put and let the authorities such as police and firemen do their jobs. But in a zombie apocalypse, the structure for such authorities may not exist and could be one of the first to fall.

So let's think out of the box and prioritize our actions as if the government and authorities (FEMA, police, National Guards, military, firemen) would not be around to save us.

In this post, let's think about medicine that we could use when trying to survive a zombie apocalypse. Sure we all have first aid kits at home. But those can only go so far. Just like Rick, Glen, and company from The Walking Dead, you'll have to scavenge for medicine at an abandoned pharmacy.

1. Iodine. This is a multi-purpose medicine that can be used as antispetic and topical treat of open wounds. Additionally, it could treat water for drinking in absence of your ability to boil (Source). In this sense, iodine is just like bleach.

2. Pain medication. Things like ibuprofen and such. Expect to get hurt from exertion since you're pushing yourself to stay alive. Muscle strains, headaches, back aches, menstrual cramps and other maladies are not going away. Also, you're chances of catching a fever or cold will increase and we've all used Tylenol and Anacin to remedy that. Stronger pain meds such as oxycodone and morphin are out there too and could be very useful. In a zombie apocalypse, no one is guarding them behind the counter, so stock up, but use carefully. Better yet, find ways to train on how to use them properly.

3. Multi-vitamins. Chances are, you're body will not be eating healthy in a disaster like a zombie plague, so you'll have to find a way to stay healthy. In my day-to-day life and since I'm getting older, I use multi-vitamins for nutritional supplement. The same thing is necessary to survive in a zombie apocalypse.

4. Pregnancy test kit, abortion pills, plan B pills, prenatal vitamins. I saw this in The Walking Dead and it makes sense to keep it in mind. Men and women will hump each other given a chance. Might as well face that fact and be ready.

5. Soap. In a zombie apocalypse, infection from the zombie virus is not the only danger. Dirty wounds, general unsanitary conditions, and dirty hands while eating can cause bacterial infection which could lead to serious sickness or even death.

6. Gauze, tape, and bandaid. Can't be too safe. These are handy when someone needs patching up.

Those are just the basic ones. I'm sure loading up on non-perishable food and water is a good idea.

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